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Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy
IEP Consulting • Parent/Teacher Consulting

Articulation & Phonological Disorders • Receptive & Expressive Language Disorders
Late Talkers • Developmental Delays • Complex Communication Needs • Autism • Delayed Milestones
Behavior Challenges • Muscle Weakness • Torticollis • Fine Motor and Gross Motor • Sensory Processing
Feeding Therapy • Emotional Regulation • Executive Functioning • Handwriting

Office • School • Home


Before your speech or occupational therapy sessions begin, we will gather some information about your child's overall development, personal interests, and support needs. Our evaluation process typically includes the following:

  • Parent interview

  • Review of any prior testing

  • Formal assessment

  • Natural observations

  • Interactive play activities

After the evaluation is complete, we will share the results and discuss our recommendations. Since you know your child best, we will work together to develop meaningful therapy goals that will make a positive difference in their life! 

Our Approach to Therapy

The Power of Speech celebrates every child's unique personality, learning style, and interests. Our speech and occupational therapy sessions get kids regulated and engaged in the learning process, using activities such as:

  • Obstacle courses and treasure hunts

  • Sensory activities and swinging

  • Books, iPad games, and board games

  • Trains, doll houses, trucks, and toys

As parents, your involvement is extremely important for your child's progress with emerging skills. We always review what we worked on during your speech or occupational therapy sessions and share home practice ideas at the end of each session. Our recommendations aim to be fun and easy to embed into your family's everyday routines!


Speech & Language Therapy

At The Power of Speech, we take time to understand your child's unique speech and language profile to identify any areas they need support with. We always include an element of play to make learning fun - so your child will want to come back for weekly therapy! The Power of Speech will help your child:

  • Communicate more clearly using gestures, sign language, pictures, and words

  • Feel better understood by others

  • Understand and use relevant vocabulary for mealtimes, getting dressed, playing with a sibling, and other daily life activities

  • Follow directions and comprehend what they hear

  • Combine words into longer, complex sentences

  • Gain self-regulation and self-advocacy skills

  • Confidently interact with others to express themselves in a variety of settings

The Power of Speech supports language development in children of all ages and learning styles. With advanced training in both Analytic Language Processing and Gestalt Language Processing, we are passionate about building communication skills during play and natural learning opportunities!

Child working on communicating more clearly and making speech sounds more accurately during speech therapy

Occupational Therapy

Learning about a child's sensory system can have an incredible impact on how they are able to take in and process the world around them. How does your child express their emotions? How do they learn best? Sensory integration, fine motor, and gross motor development are a few areas your pediatric occupational therapist will focus on developing. Occupational therapy will help your child: 

  • Increase independence with daily tasks such as zipping up a coat and buttoning their pants

  • Improve hand-eye coordination needed for activities such as playing catch

  • Learn important self-regulation strategies that focus on the whole sensory system, supporting emotional and behavior challenges

A sneak peek into an occupational therapy session would show the creative ways developing skills are embedded into obstacle courses, sensory swings, and a game of Connect Four! 


IEP Consulting

Understanding your child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is one of the most important ways you can advocate for their success at school. During an hour meeting at our office or via zoom, you will be able to ask any questions and receive specific advice from our knowledgeable team. An IEP Consultation will help you: 

  • Understand the reports you are given, and know if you should request additional testing

  • Learn about your rights and strategies for self-advocacy during the IEP process

  • Better understand policies as they relate to your child's IEP

  • Receive advice for goals and accommodations

The IEP process can be overwhelming. Our Consultant has a warm and clear communication style that will help you feel more comfortable every step of the way. An IEP Consultation will ensure you have a confident seat at the table to collaborate with your child's team and set them up for success.

Parent Coaching
Parents who have learned to support their child's communication development through parent coaching sessions

Parent/Teacher Consulting

The Power of Speech provides parent and teacher consulting to give you the tools and strategies needed to help your child or student thrive. We design sessions to be relevant to your family or classroom, supportive of your goals, and full of practical steps that you can take to achieve those goals. Our consulting sessions with a licensed occupational therapist or speech therapist will support you in:

  • Discovering and understanding the child's individual learning style

  • Confidently supporting the child's development of emerging skills while reducing power struggles and behavior challenges

  • Building a positive relationship with the child through genuine connection and successful communication

  • Fostering the child's independence and confidence

During these 1:1 consultations at home, school or teletherapy, you can ask questions relating to your child's development and receive practical suggestions for home and/or school to support communication, motor skills, and regulation.

We are accepting new clients!

The Power of Speech provides neurodiversity-affirming speech and language therapy and occupational therapy to children throughout the

North Shore area of MA. Contact us today to get started!

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